Professional Development Clock Hour Courses
NWED is excited to offer a variety of courses for clock hours for your teachers and administrator. Each offering consists of:
An online learning module
A reflection piece
10 to 70 clock hours for courses
70 clock hours for course 770 STI and Washington State History
Cost: $5 per Clock Hour
All clock hours are OSPI Clock Hour Approved
Highlighted Courses
For full list see
Course 710: Professional Liability Quicksand for Educators
(10 Hours/$50) This course covers the critical professional expectations of every teacher, guiding them on how to avoid mistakes and pitfalls in their daily experience. Topics include: Code of Professional Conduct, mandated reporting, Educational Policies and Codes, Boundary Invasion, landmark supreme court cases, searching students, FERPA, professional accountability, The Hatch Amendment, copyright materials, 504 and IDEA policies/law, joining a union, conduct verses performance, Weingarten Rights, Loudermill, Employee Conduct Rules, texting, phone use, the importance of documentation, social media, and many other nuances that teachers face in their profession.
Course 715: Increasing Student Engagement in the Classroom
(10 Hours/$50) This course addresses the importance of engagement in the classroom and offers practical ideas to increase engagement and learning for all students. Topics Include: Definition of student and intellectual engagement, the importance and levels of engagement, critical elements and indicators of engagement, creating engagement, the engaging environment, maximizing instructional time, gaining and keeping student attention, engaging lesson planning, engaging strategies.
Course 720: Teaching Diverse Learners
(10 Hours/$50) This course addresses how to teach to diverse learners in the classroom, providing new tools for teachers and a deeper understanding of the necessity to reach the needs of all learners.
Topics Include: Definition of diverse learners, defining cultural competency, differentiation and modification of curriculum, creating a culturally responsive classroom, discussion strategies, culturally responsive strategies, total participation techniques, intentional groupings, student surveys, learner profiles.
Course 725: Special Education and Working with Para-professionals
(10 Hours/$50) This course covers the responsibilities of teachers working with special education students as well as paraprofessionals. Topics Covered: History of special education, Federal special education laws, overview of disabilities, eight principles of special education, responsibilities for general education teachers, roles and support staff, accommodations and modification, IEP/504 plans, Child Find, Individual Family Service Plans, least restrictive environment, FAPE, special education services, procedural safeguards, FERPA, legal responsibilities, parent participation, non-discriminatory testing, working with paraprofessionals/sped teams, special education resources.
Course 730: Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Competency
(30 Hours/$150) This course explores the topics of diversity, inclusion, cultural competency, equity and intersectionality, providing a variety of resources and strategies for teachers to use in their classroom. Topics Covered: Definitions of diversity, inclusion, cultural competency, and equity, engaging students in these topics, implementation strategies, intersection of concepts, benefits of cultural competency topics, communication with parents.
Course 735 Improving Family and Community Engagement
(10 Hours/$50) This course provides useful and practical information to help teachers improve their engagement with families and community organizations to improve student success. Topics Covered: Defining engagement, engagement versus involvement, exploring levels of engagement, parent involvement, community engagement, resources and strategies for engagement, conducting parent meetings, creating a professional environment, conducting conferences, Back to School events, Communication techniques with parents, creating classroom newsletters, websites, surveys, emailing, planners, homework, weekly folders.
Course 740: Elementary Classroom Management
(10 Hours/$50) This course provides a variety of new and foundational concepts to upgrade and tighten teachers’ classroom management and questioning skills in their elementary classroom. Topics Covered: Create an atmosphere of rapport and respect, morning meetings, positive feedback, modeling, independent work time, creating choice, learning centers, displaying work, setting high expectations, classroom procedures and transitions, schedules, routines, working with paraprofessionals, managing volunteers, managing student behavior, rules and expectations, progressive discipline, restorative approach, behavior intervention, communicating with parents, organizing physical spaces, effective questioning skills, higher order questioning.
Course 745: Secondary Classroom Management
( 10 Hours/$50)This course provides a variety of new and foundational concepts to upgrade and tighten teachers’ classroom management and questioning skills in their secondary classroom. Topics Covered: Create an atmosphere of rapport and respect, positive feedback, modeling, independent work time, creating choice, setting high expectations, classroom procedures and transitions, schedules, routines, working with paraprofessionals, managing volunteers, managing student behavior, rules and expectations, progressive discipline, restorative approach, behavior intervention, communicating with parents, organizing physical spaces, effective questioning skills, higher order questioning.
Course 750: Teaching Students of Poverty and Trauma
(10 Hours/$50) This course presents a variety of strategies to engage students and families of poverty as well as information on ACES and Trauma Informed Teaching. Topics Covered: The five barriers to education, the poverty cycle, diversity statistics, poverty and classroom engagement, health and nutrition, the effects of poverty on literacy, growth mindset, effort/resilience, the disadvantages of poverty, social-emotional aptitude, inclusion in the classroom, race, impact of race on educational success, culturally responsive teaching, childhood trauma, ACES and Trauma Informed Teaching practices, suicide prevention, social-emotional well being for teachers and staff, teacher fatigue and burnout.
Course 760: Teaching STEAM in the Classroom
(30 Hours/$150) This course presents a variety of engaging STEAM strategies and ideas for the classroom. Topics include: The definition of STEAM, the STEAM process, benefits, STEAM vs STEM, positive attributes, project-based learning, collaboration, the making of a strong project, objectives, STEAM prompts, activities and strategies for each category: science, technology, engineering, arts, math, Makerspace, clubs, fieldtrips, community partners, real world projects, supplies, resources, assessments.
Course 770 Since Time Immemorial and Washington State History
(70 Hours/$350) Course qualifies for the State of Washington requirement for 50 clock hours (5 credits). Requirement: Since time immemorial curriculum focused on history, culture, and government of American Indian peoples as prescribed in RCW 28B.10.710 and WAC 181-78A-232 for all new teacher, principal, career and technical education administrator, superintendent, and program administrators.
Indigenous Culture, History, Governance and Since Time Immemorial
Course Purpose: To teach Washington State and Pacific Northwest history from an Indigenous perspective norming Tribal communities as the first inhabitants of Washington State with 29 distinct federally recognized Tribes as well as current and past unrecognized Tribes. To thoroughly examine the Since Time Immemorial curriculum providing accessible information, tools, and instruction on creating inquiry and place based, integrated curriculum to use across k-12 classrooms.
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of this course, teachers will understand:
Washington State History and government norming Indigenous cultures as the first inhabitants of the state and region
Washington State Indigenous Tribes identities, history, governance, culture, and heritage
Since Time Immemorial
Teaching through Culturally Responsive Indigenous Sustaining Practices
Partnering and collaborating with local Tribes to support teaching practices including providing Tribal contact information.
Incorporating Native American history, government, culture, heritage, and identity in the general education classroom by employing age and developmentally appropriate strategies
Modification of curriculum to fit regional needs, resources, and current topics/issues as well as local Tribal histories, heritage, and culture.
Course 755: Child Abuse, Mandated Reporting, ACES, and SEL in the classroom
(30 Hours/$150) This course examines the critical topics of identifying child abuse and the requirement of mandated reporting. It also provides information on Adverse Childhood Conditions (ACES) and implementing Social Emotional Learning practices in the classroom. Topics Covered: Definition of abuse: physical, sexual, negligent, abandonment; indicators, connection to substance abuse, mandated reporting requirements, keeping records of reporting/abuse, expectations and process of reporting, racial disproportionality, impact on behavior and learning, ACES, ACES and toxic stress, trauma informed practices, social emotional learning, systemic SEL, conflict resolution and mindfulness, foster children in the classroom, suicide.
765 ESOL English Speakers of Other Languages LP
(30 Hours/$150) This course provides information on the needs of ELL students and presents a variety of strategies to enhance the engagement of ELL students in the general education classroom. Topics include: Definitions, needs of ELL students, law/requirements/rights, ELL identification/process/entrance/exit, language acquisition, proficiency levels, ESL program types, comparison of programs, parental refusal, collaboration, ELL strategies in the general education classroom, SIOP, connecting to ELL families.
780 Secondary Instructional Strategies
(30 Hours/$150) Topics covered: Academic strategies, engagement, using choice, motivational strategies, teaching through inquiry, input strategies, graphic organizers, narratives, cooperative learning, discussing, and responding strategies, read aloud strategies.
Courses for Administrators
Course 830: Student Misconduct Investigations from a Principal Lens
(10 Hours/$50) This course provides instruction on the reporting and investigation of student misconduct, guiding administrators through the documentation process. Topics include: Contact requirements, Title IX, Steps of the Investigation, Principles of Just Cause, Interviewing techniques, Types of interview questions, Types of evidence, Necessary timelines, Contractual obligations, Handling allegations, Accommodations, What not to do, Drafting reports, Examples and further guidance.